Essays on entrepreneurship, personal development and lifestyle design.
Andreas Dovland
Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Perfect Year

Thinking holistically is a key principle of lifestyle design. Creating a vision of your ideal life is easy if all you have to think about are endless margaritas on the beach. Fortunately, life isn't always that simple. You have many roles and responsibilities to fulfill in life. There&

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Fixed Mindset And It's Implications (Stop Being Defensive)

Most people have heard of the term “growth mindset”. It’s being thrown around all the time in certain internet circles, but rarely in a way that make the ideas behind it actionable. “Gotta have a growth mindset bro”. Now if you actually want to understand the ideas and know

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Law of Attraction and The Reticular Activating System

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a part of your brain that functions like a filter for information. If you've ever got a new car and suddenly started seeing the same one everywhere you go, you've experienced the power of the reticular activating system. The same

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

Feeling Lost Between Phases of Life

Many years ago, I was feeling completely lost. I felt like I didn't have purpose in life. I asked one of my coaches for advice. She showed me a video of what happens when you put sand on top of a plate and play loud frequencies through it.

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Hunter-Gatherer Mental Model for Life and Business

Finding purpose and creating a life worth living, that's what we're all trying to do. There are numerous strategies and methodologies to created to do this, but here's one I bet you've never heard of before. The Hunter-Gatherer Model. I discovered this

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

Your Personal Board of Advisors (The Greatest Group Chat In History)

The Personal Board of Advisors is a mental concept used by some of the worlds top business thinkers. It allows you to gain new insights and make better decisions by leveraging your subconscious mind. In this article I'll show you how to create one for yourself - with

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

Everything Is Negotiable

The world is a chaotic place and humans aren't that fond of chaos. We create structures, systems, norms and rules to make the world more predictable and more orderly. This is one of humanity's greatest gifts. We're extremely good at it. We build walls

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Workout Program I Used To Get Beginners Into Shape

I began my coaching career as a personal trainer. The gym I worked at was not a performance-driven gym, but rather a place that attracted people who wanted to get in shape for the first time. As an unexperienced coach, I made sure all of my clients had complex and

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

From Zero To Hero (How To Get Out Of A Rut)

If you have ever tried to make a big change in your life, you know that disruption follows intention. When you're in a dark place, making such changes feel like they require Herculean efforts, efforts you simply don't have the power to exert. But there is

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

Disruption Follows Intention

Whenever you set a goal or intention, it gets painfully obvious how far you are from reaching it. This dynamic is inherent in the act of goal-setting. For most people, this is a curse. But for you, it can be a blessing - here's why: In the very

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

How Your Goals Lead You Astray

I once coached a client who had a turbulent relationship with her 9-year-old son. She explained that they would get in loud arguments almost daily, leaving them both emotionally hurt and exhausted. When I asked her what she wanted to change and what her preferred outcome was, she answered something

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

What Is Lifestyle Design?

Life is short, yet most of us live our lives as if we're immortals. The enthusiasm and zest for life fades away as we grow up into functioning, responsible adults. We fall into our habits and routines, greatly influenced by the expectations of the people around us. We