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From Zero To Hero (How To Get Out Of A Rut)

If you have ever tried to make a big change in your life, you know that disruption follows intention. When you're in a dark place, making such changes feel like they require Herculean efforts, efforts you simply don't have the power to exert.

But there is hope. Your desire for change is the only catalyst you need. You begin by rebuilding your relationship with yourself.

Forgive yourself

Regret feels like a chain around your neck. The purpose of regret is to learn a lesson and act differently in the future. It's not meant to be an eternal barrier to progress and happiness.

In any moment of your past, you did what you thought was best by using the knowledge, experience and resources that were available to you.

Forgive yourself, you did your best.

So did everyone around you. Forgive them too.

Cultivate self-love

If you don't like yourself, don't expect good outcomes. Without self-love, we tend to sabotage our efforts and work against ourselves. To have true integrity, you need to have a foundation of self-love.

To build this foundation, leverage the law of assumption. Start by acting like you truly love yourself deeply.

What do you do to the people you love deeply?

You talk to them with loving and empowering words. You encourage them to take action on the path to their dreams. You encourage them to build healthy habits. You spend quality time with them. You set healthy boundaries.

Treat your inner child just as you would your actual child.

Cultivate self-respect

Think of self-respect as the reputation you have with yourself. Do you believe yourself when you say you're going to do something?

If you don't, you need to invest some time in rebuilding your reputation. You do this by making and keeping promises to yourself, especially challenging ones.

Start by stacking small wins. Make small promises you know you'll be able to keep and build momentum from there.

Cultivate confidence

Confidence is your trust in yourself to be able to deal with future circumstances. It's built by achieving goals and dealing with challenges.

What have you handled well in your life? What have you achieved?

They don't have to be massive achievements. Start small and build from there. Document your wins.

Your new mission

If you ever find yourself in a deep rut, start with these steps.

And if you need a goal to serve as context - make it your mission to get in the best physical shape of your life. The journey will teach you everything you need to get to the next level.