Person walking through a portal under the night sky

The Law of Attraction and The Reticular Activating System

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a part of your brain that functions like a filter for information. If you've ever got a new car and suddenly started seeing the same one everywhere you go, you've experienced the power of the reticular activating system.

The same thing happens when you learn a new word or a new concept, suddenly it's everywhere.

At all times, your senses take in way more information than your brain is capable of processing. Choosing what to notice is the job of the RAS. It acknowledges what's valuable or interesting to you, and starts looking for it.

If the RAS could speak, it would constantly be asking:
"What's important and useful right now?"

In one moment it's the conversation you're having, but when you notice the aggressive-looking dog heading your way, your brain is no longer interested in talking.

Searching for Opportunity

The reticular activating system isn't only concerned with danger, it's fascinated by opportunity.

When you're hungry, you will immediately notice the snacks on your co-workers desk.

If you are attracted to a particular type of person, you will immediately notice them in a room full of people.

Your brain is always looking for what's interesting to you, but to do so, you must first believe it's there.

Confirming beliefs

Just as your brain is looking for opportunity, it's also looking for things that validate and confirm your beliefs.

If you believe the world is full of opportunity, you will find it everywhere.

But if you don't believe that you are an attractive person, your RAS will fail to notice the signs you get from people practically begging you for a date.

You're blind to it because you don't believe it's there.

Your brain makes sure you always find what you want or what you believe to be possible.

Calibrating the RAS intentionally

There are infinite ways of using the power of the reticular activating system intentionally. All of them have three things in common:

  1. Getting clear on what you want
  2. Believing it's possible
  3. Believing it's possible for you

Create a vision board or a goal card. Use hypnosis or auto-suggestion.

Do whatever you need to get clear on what you want and reinforce the belief that it's possible for you to get it.

Your brain and your world will do the rest.

The Law of Attraction

The spiritual teachings about the law of attraction suggests the same. Decide on your desired outcome and visualize it like it already yours.

When your mind is primed to believe it's yours, just like with your new car, you will start to see what you want everywhere. And it's suddenly within reach.

Science, spirituality or both? It doesn't matter. It just works.