
Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Law of Attraction and The Reticular Activating System

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a part of your brain that functions like a filter for information. If you've ever got a new car and suddenly started seeing the same one everywhere you go, you've experienced the power of the reticular activating system. The same

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Hunter-Gatherer Mental Model for Life and Business

Finding purpose and creating a life worth living, that's what we're all trying to do. There are numerous strategies and methodologies to created to do this, but here's one I bet you've never heard of before. The Hunter-Gatherer Model. I discovered this

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

Disruption Follows Intention

Whenever you set a goal or intention, it gets painfully obvious how far you are from reaching it. This dynamic is inherent in the act of goal-setting. For most people, this is a curse. But for you, it can be a blessing - here's why: In the very

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

How Your Goals Lead You Astray

I once coached a client who had a turbulent relationship with her 9-year-old son. She explained that they would get in loud arguments almost daily, leaving them both emotionally hurt and exhausted. When I asked her what she wanted to change and what her preferred outcome was, she answered something