Lifestyle Design

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Perfect Year

Thinking holistically is a key principle of lifestyle design. Creating a vision of your ideal life is easy if all you have to think about are endless margaritas on the beach. Fortunately, life isn't always that simple. You have many roles and responsibilities to fulfill in life. There&

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

The Hunter-Gatherer Mental Model for Life and Business

Finding purpose and creating a life worth living, that's what we're all trying to do. There are numerous strategies and methodologies to created to do this, but here's one I bet you've never heard of before. The Hunter-Gatherer Model. I discovered this

Andreas Dovland
Members Public

What Is Lifestyle Design?

Life is short, yet most of us live our lives as if we're immortals. The enthusiasm and zest for life fades away as we grow up into functioning, responsible adults. We fall into our habits and routines, greatly influenced by the expectations of the people around us. We